Showing: 21 - 22 of 22 RESULTS

Things You Must Do When Visiting Swedish Lapland

When it comes to traveling to Sweden, a good number of people prefer to go to Swedish Lapland. There is no doubt that this part of the country will give you a relaxing and enjoyable travel. This is because the scenery in this region is very unique. It has lots of forested mountains and wide open spaces. Therefore, when it comes to experiencing the amazing travel, this is definitely the …

Stonehenge and Avebury – A tale of two stone circles

Stonehenge, Avebury, Cumbria and Associated Sites are a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in Wiltshire, England. It was originally designated as a prehistoric monument, but has since been given the status of a World Heritage Site. The WHS covers about fifteen large rural areas separated by approximately fifteen miles, and not a single building or monument. This means that Stonehenge was never constructed as a single structure, but was a …